Okay the way she is dressed is so wrong on so many levels.
We all know Nate is a man-whore, but he's usually classy, I still can't comprehend WHAT THE FUCK he finds in that troll.
It seems like she threw on herself whatever she grabbed from her gypsy-carnival stock. That damn mini-shorts remind me of Lion King for God's sake! And the heels? Maybe some gorgeous actress with the right combination of clothes could support them, but the troll most definately can't!
My eyes are bleeding badly, the show should have a "Hazardous" warning if she keeps "dressing" like that.
And her face... I think the post's title is justified, she totally seems like she's gonna eat someone, apart from the flies that got in. Maybe Lion King is her fav movie or sth, cause that mouth of her's it's like Simba's at the end.
What annoys me more is that it's all a show, cause we all know she's a media-whore that craves for attention. And propably that's what she came up with to get it. UGH

Don't you just pity Scott? Nate obviously ditched her and hooked up with model-Bree (or whatever her name is) and she filed her nails to catch some other confused boy on her nets. But she forgot to wash her hair before going out on a date that defines her "storyline" and that's how we were led to the nest her hair hides in this photo. Poor Scott. You won't know what hit you when you finally realise her real self. RIP :P
As for the rest of us, we shall start praying that she won't hit again on Nate and/or Chuck and that at some point the miracle will happen and Chuck's limo will send her to the after-world to torture it's inhabitants. We've been tortured enough for 2 damn seasons.