Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I am wondering how I could spend two whole months this summer squing over something as a huge fail as Prison Break season 4. I feel srsly dump.

Okay, here is the story:
I watched all 3 seasons of PB in the second week of July, knowing that Sara will be back. I loved them so much, that I spent one and a half month speculating over what will happen in s4, reading all the spoilers like a maniac, squing with every picture fox released and discussing my ass off in forums with fellow MiSa lovers.

From the 2-hour premiere I knew that all this was in vein, because s4 sucked balls from back then. But I can't leave something I once workshipped unfinished, and I just LOVE Gretchen/Jody, so I kept watching, being even more bored with every single episode.

During my summer-PB-loving-syndrome I subscribed to PB's feed on spoiler TV, so about 2-3 times a week I receive e-mails informing me on the latest spoilers. For months now I just delete them, because I'm no longer interested in this whole speculating and freaking-over-rumors thing.

But the last episode kinda awakened my MiSa shipper insticts so I decided to open the e-mail I received this morning. Man, I wish I hadn't.

In the last scene it ep 22 takes place 4 years after everything that has happened. You will see "Michael", Sara, Linc, Mahone, Sucre....In the extra 2 hrs you will see michael and sara get married and then sara will go to prison. The gang will attempt to break her out and michael may try to sacrifice himself to get sara out. I am not going to give you the very end because i think you should watch the show since you have invested so much time into it.

First of all the whole thing were Michael's name is put in quotation marks is kinda weird. I have a feeling they might kill him off, and I will not be surpised if they do, it's so screwed I can expect anything by now.
Then, Sara getting to prison and Michael trying to get her out? SERIOUSLY?
He has already done that twice, isn't it a bit of a cliche doing it again?
It's called prison break, but the whole thing lost it's purpose after s2, so why mess it up that majorly?
Michael sarcifising himself... Why does that smell like death to me? Again?
So he's gonna break her out, die in the process and Sara will have a great life free without the love of her life and a fatherless child. Hurray.
If that's how it'll go down, I think I might burn every PB dvd I own.


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