Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tuesday, April 21, 2009
We must do something about the drug's problem our fandom is facing. The writers might have laid off them when they were writing the last episodes, but the rest of the involved ppl -and especially a large amount of fans- are way high with hardly a chance of salvation.

It all started when I decided to visit the GG Insider post about Q&A with Stephenie Savage.
Then disaster hit.

Q: Is Vanessa going to school next year? Will she continue her education?
A: We'll have to wait and see, but Savage said, don't forget, Vanessa took her SATs.

WHO THE HELL CARES? They're wasting time asking sth as stupid as that instead of asking "Will Vanessa GTFO of our beloved show soon?"

Q: Any more major Gossip Girl deaths we should expect?
A: For now, Stephanie doesn't see that happening: "I think we have a pretty tight cast and I think we would only be interested in adding, not subtracting."

Well, FUCK YOU PPL! Are you fucking blind? Vanessa is way too hated to be kept in the show. Killing her off would give her an actual storyline of her own for a change.

Q: On Gossip Girl, will Dan and Blair ever be romantically involved?
A: The producers aren't opposed to it. When questioned about a Dan-Blair pairing, Stephanie said, "There are only so many characters on our show, so everyone needs to be open to being with everyone at some point."

Looking for a sign the world is approaching it's ending? When this FUCKERY will happen you'll know that is matter of time before you pass heaven's or hell's (more likely) gates.

On the brightest side, they love Dorota as well, they haven't even opened the GG books (neither have I for that matter) and of course some of today's good news:

Q: Everyone's all about Chuck-Blair or Blair-Nate. What about Jenny and Nate? I thought they were great together. Will we ever see them reunited?
A: Sounds like it. Just not anytime soon: "Nate and Jenny is actually a big story in the books and we sort of dipped our toe into that pool a few times. As they get older and start to feel the same age, that is definitely material I think we can revisit."

YEEEEEE! I know it's fucked up putting Jenny/Nate a little higher than Chuck/Blair, but with CB I'm sure that in the end they'll be together, while JN are the outsider couple so I feel like I have to support them more. Maybe I'm on crack as well?
I just hope that when the reunion time comes, Nate won't be so confused anymore and will be certain than she is the one he wants. Then we'll have my perfect happy ending:
The troll dead after Chuck rolled over her with his limousine and CB & JN together. *dreams*

But, only a good answer can't make it for the UTTERLY STUPID comments some fans left.

"yay im glad they actually are aware of the fact that dan and blair could have potential. i love watching their scenes. I love chuck/blair but so far chuck doesn't deserve her yet anyway."
And you call yourself a CB-er? SHAME ON YOU!

"PLEASE NO MORE NATE AND JENNY!!! they are soo bad together they make me want to vomit! he is wayy too hot for her anyway, but I really want to see more DERENA action I mean who doesn't love them together! They're always going to be in love no matter what!"
Oh, okay, we should judge who is gonna be with whom based on hotness level. And then ppl like these accuse men of only being interested in the looks. Go figure.
And Nate is sooooooo in love with Serena indeed! So much they haven't even talked for -wait, how many episodes-?

"actually i think georgina should be with nate,chuck should stay with vanessa,and a new guy for serena"
????????????????????????????????????????(no mention of Blair of course)
Where do you buy your crack dude? It's spoiled.

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