Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So I was all excited this morning, because I downloaded the GG and OTH episodes, then gone to the university for another crappy physical chemistry 3-hours lab, but I didn't let myself get down, thinking the great GG episode awaiting me home.

Well, I WISH it was great.
I don't know how they can possibly make the Chair moments feed more the Nair storyline but there it is. They like used Chair in order to produce more unecessary Nair drama.
And even the limo scene was weird. Chuck was 100% right to say those things to Blair, but the whole situation was handled awfully. I was expecting this episode like crazy and it totally disapointed me. Again.

And after this blow, I also had to watch this and last's week's OTH episodes. Talk about boring.
At some point I srsly wanted to hit my laptop to the ground in order for it to stop leyton-izing me. Even my life has become way more interested that OTH. They can't even reach the interest level of a TV-Shows & Internet junkie life. Way to go Mark. Not only he screwed up his show, he had to spread his disease to the other writers as well. He should be quarantined before causing some lame Nair reunion in Season 3.

And Blair going to the prom with NATE? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
This is so wrong on so many levels writer dudes.


WHO could actually resist this beautiful sight??? Huh? Yeah that's right, NOBODY! Including Queen B.

They're on crack again I guess.

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