Monday, April 20, 2009


Monday, April 20, 2009
So, I just read the full 2x21 recap, and watched some scenes from the episode a Canadian fellow CB-er uploaded and I just wondered why GG -and other shows as well- have come to this point of a screw up.
Then a dialog that Naley had back in OTH's Season 1 came in my mind, and I think it's a pretty good fit for this situation as well.

The party Haley organised for a few friends ended up being the event of the week and everyone showed up, almost destroying the house and having Nathan arrested. So at some point after they returned home from the police department, she wonders why all these people would show up on her party.
Nathan replies "It comes with the territory"
"What territory?"

I think that one explains pretty well the situation we're facing here. GG just got way too popular for it's own good, so the writers have to do things that will
a) please everyone, including to my everlasting disgust Nair-ers and troll-fans
b) add a little more drama, complicate the storylines, mix up things to a point even they can hardly resolve them etc

So, all these latest developments as Nair, Vanessa-Chuck (and the whole pregnancy thing if spoilers are true), B getting kicked out from Yale and a ton more, comes with the territory aka the tremendous popularity the show has.
Hm, that sounds like defending the writers... Enough of it, or I'll be a shame of the wanking world *lol*

Soooo, let's analyse a bit the results of this territory.
(I am analysing the scenes in the order they appear on the episode)

1.Socialite my ass

Does my memory play games with me, or Blair Waldorf 2 episodes ago wanted to "burn the whole book" her life was by destroying all of her relationships with people of her cycle? Oh, and didn't she actually started doing until Chuck took her away? And now she wants to be a socialite. Like stay with high school education for the rest of her life and just be a social butterfly with no purpose in life. That would justify the "Queen B" title.
Oh and another one comment. Every Nair fan that respects herself says that Nate brings out the best in Blair. How come that every time she makes the worst decisions for her life she happens to be with Nate? It's an unexplained mystery to me.

2.Next thing you know she is married and pregnant

YES! The first glimpse of real Blair in God knows how many episodes! Convince the confused to go to Yale so that his Grandfather will see through it that you'll be joining his grandson there. At last the Blair Waldorf that I would turn a lesbian for *ENTHUSIASTIC SCREAMS*
Oh, but they had to spoil it, didn't they? "I wanna be a bridesmaid!"
Since when is Blair into weddings and of strangers-cousins non the less? Before we know it they'll make her dream of her wedding while she's knocked up by confused. UGH

3.I was a ballerina too! aka Chuck Version: 1.0

Screwing Vanessa when you're supposed to be fighting for your true love is one thing, considering that the troll is an actual character of the show (unfortunately) and they plotted together etc. Screwing a series of irrelevant athletes is completely another. I feel like I'm back to the first episodes of Season 1. I also feel sick to my core.

4.The wanking goes with the name!

I guess all of us Jenny's have an inner wanker in us, because shit, that girl knows how to make you feel like a fucking cockroach! Any wonder she's one of my fav characters? No, I don't think so. And yay -NO- about Chuck Version: 1.0 again.

5.I'm looking for a best friend, anyone lacking one?

And I felt resentful towards one of my formal bf's because she found a new bf and did me a favor by pretending I didn't exist anymore.
At least she wasn't my fucking bf for YEARS, and when my entire existence showed that I was madly in love with that boy she back stabbed me and kept being with him just to be with someone.
Because if we change the he and she's that's what Nate did.
And then the Nair-ers tell me that Nate is sooooo moral while Chuck is a dick. Go figure.

6.Now, that's a dick-indication

He FUCKING APOLOGIZED to her! While his best friend went off to scam on HIS GIRL when he was supposed to refill his drink, he made amends with Jenny for sth that happened a year ago and with someone that normally he wouldn't give a fuck for.
That's exactly the behaviour we expect from a dick, right Nair-ers?

2 bitches had something to say:


Love your discussion! Go know they could have made this episode with a similar them but so much LESS INSULTING to Blair. Sigh.

On an up note, no troll.


And you're totally right, they could keep the good jenny/chuck scenes but give blair a beak, because the whole bridesmaid thing? UGH

I guess we should take what we can, and no troll is quite sth :P

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